Valérie Chamontin
Avocate intervenant en droit de la famille, notamment en cas de divorce ou séparation, pour des personnes vivant en France ou expatriés.
Valérie Chamontin
Avocate intervenant en droit de la famille, notamment en cas de divorce ou séparation, pour des personnes vivant en France ou expatriés.

A legal adviser at your service

My profile

Valérie Chamontin avocats, avocat à Lyon (69003)

Valérie Chamontin is a lawyer at the Lyon Bar and able to plead in any French court, in partnership, when needed. 
She lived abroad (People's Republic of China and Canada). She has strong experience working for French clients living abroad or for couples of different nationalities wishing to divorce or separate.

She will bring you a clear vision of all your options by offering you the best strategy to achieve your goals. 

Since January 1st, 2021, the reform of the French divorce procedure will allow you to separate before the French judge without having to appear physically before the judge, which is very advantageous for couples living abroad and wishing to separate.

Areas of expertise: 
All questions concerning the family and situations of family crisis, as well as personal assets.

Fees are set either by the hour (for example if you need a precise legal answer or a strategic plan) or flat fees. 




我是Chamontin律师,我在全法国工作 : 巴黎,里昂 等等。我的专业是家庭的法律 比如离婚,财产分割,分居。 我有很多客户在中国生活 但是也有很多中国客户在法国生活 。所以,我的专业知识使我可以帮助他们无论他们在法国还是在中国。


不过 我不会说普通话。当时我在中国上海生活的时候(2008到2012),我只学会了语言的基本知识。但是 在这四年中,我适应了中国的文化以及历史 所以 我对这个国家感到熟悉。

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